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Genetically Modified Humans

Genetically Modified Humans


Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith

Featuring Mike Adams

Premiers Wednesday, 26 June at 7pm ET

HM-Orig_FB_AnthonyGWe all have heard of genetically modified foods, but what about genetically modified humans? Concepts such as super-soldiers and RFID-controlled human drones are becoming a reality. Anthony Gucciardi reveals the future of GMOs and what it means for mankind.

Health activist and researcher Anthony Gucciardi is an accomplished investigative journalist whose goal is to inform the public how they can use natural methods to revolutionize their health. His articles are routinely featured on top health and political websites and read by millions worldwide.

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See Also

Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith on GaiamTV


Healing Matrix with Regina Meredith explores a range of alternative health modalities. The show seeks to empower viewers with the tools they need to help heal themselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

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