Heal Naturally – Day 10

30 Days of Natural Remedies Day 10
Instead of Medications – 30 Days of Natural Remedies
Valerian the Stress Buster – A Must for Your Medicine Cabinet
Many people don’t know about one of the oldest herbs in existence valerian. Valerian has many healing qualities… in fact the latin root word valere means to be healthy. Valerian is the best selling herbal preparation in Europe… and valerian will grow just about any where in the world so you can grow your own.
Valerian is one of the best herbs for stress… helping with insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, and inducing relaxation. And valerian is not addictive and has proven to be safe, effective, and side effect free it taken in normal amounts… and valerian has been used all the way back to the middle ages without problems. In fact at certain times it was used as food, and it even given to the soldiers during WW1 to calm their stress.
Also valerian relaxes muscles and the whole body during sleep… thus you have less aches, pains, and stiffness in the morning. Valerian contains gamma animo butyric acid which allows the brain to relax and calm away anxiety… thus creating natural sleep without feeling groggy in the morning. And valerian is very important for fatigue… because not sleeping well creates fatigue.
Valerian is a good anti-inflammatory agent helping with swelling, pain, and redness… plus it also calms nerves… and promotes peace of mind.
Valerian also works as a very good antispasmodic agent for the GI tract and for muscles cramps. Also works well for irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease… and also for PMS pain, headaches, and cramps. Works wonders for colic, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and indigestion from stress.

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