Heal Naturally – Day 12

30 Days of Natural Remedies Day 12
Instead of Medications – 30 Days of Natural Remedies
Time to let go of all the chemicals that have so many side effects… and find a ways to heal naturally, you only have one life and this life is important to you. If you take care of your body your body will take care of you – See One New Herb Every Day that Might Change Your Life
Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist
Banaba Tree Leaves – New Hope for Diabetics
Banaba Trees grow in Japan and in the Philippine Islands and the leaves have wonderful abilities to help those suffering from diabetes.
The leaves of the Banaba tree have insulin like qualities that lower blood glucose naturally thus helping to prevent organ failure, blindness, and loss of limbs from diabetic complications. In Ayurvedic Medicine in India banaba leaf tea has been used for centuries for treating diabetes… and the leaves also contain lots of vitamins, fiber, magnesium, and zinc.
Banaba leaves contain Corosolic acid which is the main chemical that promotes cellular absorption of glucose. This is of great importance because we have an epidemic of diabetes in the US.
Banaba leaf is also a good antioxidant helping to scavenge away free radicals thus helping to stave off diseases such as heart disease, strokes, and cancer. Plus banaba leaf also has great anti-inflammatory qualities thus it also works for joint inflammation, inflammation of the kidneys, and urinary tract.
Banaba leaf also prevents the hatching of parasite eggs in the GI tract thus preventing proliferation. Banaba leaf tea also helps with protein absorption, and corsolic acid also prevents cravings thus helping with weight loss.

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