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Heal Naturally – Day 23

Heal Naturally – Day 23

30 Days of Natural Remedies Day 23

Heal Naturally with Herbs Instead of Medications – 30 Days of Natural Remedies

Time to let go of all the chemicals that have so many side effects… and find a ways to heal naturally, you only have one life and this life is important to you. If you take care of your body your body will take care of you – See One New Herb Every Day that Might Change Your Life

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist 

Copaiba Oil – A Powerful Inflammation and Pain Killing Agent

Copaiba Oil comes from a the resin of the Copaibia Tree found in Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Guyana, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, and other areas of South America and Amazon… and has many great health benefits and has been used for over 400 years.

Copaiba Oil is one of the best anti-inflammatory agents for sore muscles, aches, pains, and for insect bites, and even psoriasis, eczema, herpes, nail infections, rashes, ringworm, athlete’s foot, boils, and other skin conditions.

See Also

Copaibia Oil (pronounced “Ko-pah-ee-bah”) contains up to 60% beta-caryophyllene which is has been approved by the FDA for use for pain and inflammation, it also contains gamma elemine and alpha humulene that work well for getting rid of irritation… with more pain killing power than ibuprofen, cortisone, and other pain relievers.

Some of these compounds are also found in basil, black pepper, rosemary, helichrysum, oregano, and cloves oils… but a much lower percentage of beta-caryophyllene than Copaibia Oil.

Studies show that Copaiba Oil might be a good treatment of skin and lung cancer, and in studies in Japan it was shown to double the lifespan of mice with cancer, and other studies in Brazil and Spain show that compounds found in this oil prevent the growth of cancer cells… plus there’s evidence that Copaiba Oil helps detox the liver.

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