Heal Naturally – Day 23
Copaiba Oil helps with lung disease such as bronchitis, getting rid of mucus, as a good expectorant, helps with sinus infections… and has been used in Brazil for ages as a treatment for gastric ulcers. There are many studies showing that Copaiba Oil works well for preventing gastric ulcers and for treating them effectively too.
And there are many studies showing that Copaiba Oil is a good anti-fungal and antibacterial agent. Other studies show Copaiba Oil works well for tonsillitis and sore throats, plus it also works well for arthritis, sciatica, diarrhea, bladder infections, hemorrhoids, and makes a good laxative and diuretic compound.
Copaiba contains over 40 different compounds such as alpha-cubebeen, copalic acid, and kaurenic acid that all work together for maximum healing. In Europe Copaiba Oil is commonly used for vaginal discharge, edema, bronchitis, gas, urinary problems, and respiratory inflammation, and infections in general.
Plus this great oil is full of Cox-2 inhibitor that works like aspirin for cardiovascular health and Copaiba Oil’s pain killing ability helps with MS, fibromyalgia, Lupus, and other painful diseases.
Copaiba Oil is used in cosmetics, perfumes, detergents, lotions, creams, soaps, shampoo, massage oil, and even bubble bath. It’s very soothing for the skin when used topically helps to soften dry cracked skin. Some also say it firms the skin, helps fade away scares and stretch marks, and works well for moles too.
Plus Copaiba Oil is great for dogs, cats, and other animals.
Follow the directions on the bottle… because different manufactures use different amounts of carrier oil for dilution.
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