Heal Naturally – Day 27

Heal Naturally Day 27
Heal Naturally with Herbs Instead of Medications – 30 Days of Natural Remedies
Time to let go of all the chemicals that have so many side effects… and find a ways to heal naturally, you only have one life and this life is important to you. If you take care of your body your body will take care of you – See One New Herb Every Day that Might Change Your Life
Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist
Ashanti Pepper – A Pungent West African Pepper with Health Benefits
Everyone knows about black pepper but what about Ashanti Pepper? This wonderful herb from Africa grows to a height of about 2 feet with red berries… and when dried becomes a nice dark brown color with a bitter and pungent flavor that’s very distinctive. Now being cultivated in the US Ashanti Pepper can also be found in many other parts of the world.
This pepper has many health benefits that make it great for healing… especially for muscle pain, joint pain, GI distress, gas, improving memory, and for lowering fevers.
Ashanti Pepper if full of Vitamin C and because of that helps prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and boosts the immune system. And being a potent antioxidant Ashanti Pepper slows the aging process and savages away free radicals thus helping to prevent disease.
Ashanti Pepper is also a good antibacterial agent and antiviral agent thus working to prevent colds and flues and other microbial diseases. Ashanti Pepper contains beta-caryophyllene which is a very good anti-inflammatory agent thus helping with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

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