Heal Naturally – Day 29

And another study at NIH showed using Panax Ginseng cream on the sex organs can help with premature ejaculation. And there is some indication that Ginseng can increase sperm count and motility too (Study done with Panax Ginseng over 3 months showed a marked increase in sperm count and motility).
For Women Too – Ginseng also helps with PMS, menstrual cramps, and pain. Ginseng has been shown to increases blood flow to the ovaries and uterus thus helping with fertility and can boost libido in women too… and helps with achieving orgasm. And down though history in China midwives and doctors have recommended giving pregnant women Ginseng to for stronger healthier babies… and for better fetal growth (But always check with your doctor). And studies in Russia show that Ginseng is great for strengthening the endocrine system and for sexual vitality.
Boost Your Immune System – Studies show that Ginseng boosts the immune system and when taking vaccines can help people (Especially older people) recover from disease quickly. There are many people with testimonials about their grandmother and grandfather taking Ginseng all their lives… and being fully functional and vital well into their 90’s, and even over 100 years old. And a powerful immune system means less chance of coming down with cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other immune mediated diseases such as some types of arthritis.
Lowers Cholesterol, Lung Improvement, Cancer – Ginseng also lowers LDL or bad cholesterol, and increases HDL or good cholesterol. Plus Ginseng is very good at helping correct lung conditions such as asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, and Pseudomonas infections. Studies are being done using Ginseng for treating stomach, ovarian, liver, and breast cancer, and Ginseng also increases blood flow to the skin thus giving you lustrous healthy looking skin.

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