Heal Naturally – Day 29

Other Uses – There are many other uses for Ginseng too… such as getting rid of stomach inflammation and gastritis, and for increasing blood production and thus helping with anemia, helps with liver function, headaches, dizziness, GI distress, strengthens the kidneys, fluid retention, hangovers, fibromyalgia, strengthens the digestive system, and it works well for chronic fatigue syndrome. And some studies show that taking Ginseng can reduce your chances of coming down with the common flu and cold. And Ginseng harmonizes bodily functions bringing about that sense of well being that people talk about when taking Ginseng.
Dose – Most people taking 2 – 400 or 500 mg capsules per day of Ginseng or drink a couple cups of Ginseng tea per day for that great feeling of wellness and vitality. But start out with a small dose and work your way up for the best results, and in Chinese Medicine they say it takes months to really see the full benefit of Ginseng. And some people recommend a mixture of gotu kola, Ginseng, he shou wu, and goji fruit made into a tea for long life and great health.
You can find Ginseng at your local health food store or you can order it on-line, just do a search for “Buy Ginseng” and lots of vendors will show up.
Enjoy Great Health!
Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas, and atwww.paulhaider.com – feel free to contact him any time.

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