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Heal Naturally – Day 7

Heal Naturally – Day 7

30 Days of Natural Remedies Day 7

Instead of Medications – 30 Days of Natural Remedies

Time to let go of all the chemicals that have so many side effects… and find a ways to heal naturally, you only have one life and this life is important to you. If you take care of your body your body will take care of you – See One New Herb Every Day

By Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist 

Codonopsis – A Chinese Adaptogenic Herb which is Great for the Heart!

Codonopsis is a powerful adaptogen that is great for stress and also works well for lowering cholesterol, increasing HDL or good cholesterol and lowering LDL or bad cholesterol and triglycerides, and helps to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and other circulatory diseases. And codonopsis is very important for those suffer from fatigue, lack of energy, stamina, or have cold feet and hands… or numbness in their extremities.

See Also

Codonopsis protects the heart and all of the circulatory system from the ravages of free radicals, as a powerful anti-oxidant. It also boosts the ability of Vitamin E to protect the heart and lungs from disease. Also Codonopsis helps to prevent phlebitis and build up of plaques in the heart and brain and thus preventing ischemic events.

Codonopsis also relaxes arteries and increase circulation throughout the body and especially the heart… plus it lowers blood pressure at the same time. It strengthens the heart and helps the heart to beat with regularity.

Codonopsis improves liver and thyroid function (helping with hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fibrosis of the liver), plus it also stimulates bile production, and it also boosts the immune system by increasing T cells and interleukin production… thus helping with cancer and viral disease.

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