Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 10
The warrior is in control of its life. A hero or heroine of its own adventure. It has harnessed its power and lives an empowered life of self-expression. It has given itself permission to feel good in the world, in relationships and at work, by expressing the power of its own good energy. It operates on an instinctual level and is the most powerful of the personal archetypes. “Be the best you can be” is the motto for the warrior. This means doing what gives it joy, using its gifts to the fullest and also having clear boundaries. The energy of this archetype has a male expression, very active and intelligent. The trials the warrior must face in order to develop are rejection and opposition. This forces the warrior to step into inner strength, and rely on its own sense of self-worth which builds confidence. Every situation holds potential for growth. It views life as an adventure, and full of challenges that must be conquered. It does hold a vision of duality and this illusion will appear as “good or bad”. The warrior will take the side of “good” and fight against the bad, championing enthusiastically for its vision of what is right and good. It thrives on conflicts of this nature because it gives the warrior opportunity to further define self and enhance its own power and confidence. It also serves to give meaning to life. It is unable to see that the duality and illusion is its own projection. Thriving on conflict, the warrior isn’t at “peace” with life. It is not aware that we are all connected and one because its perspective is focused in ego. It is a necessary archetype needed to transcend and step up into the journey of higher self.
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