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Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 13

Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 13

Tip-offs: Are you emotionally withdrawing? Do you feel you have nothing to give? Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Are you trying to avoid something that makes you angry? Have you experienced loss? Are you holding on to emotional pain? Can you forgive?

Lungs: The lungs represent independence, a separate life form. It is what maintains life. It is a flow of in and out, both taking in from others, then giving yours in exhale. It requires trust, when you take a breath in, and release that there will be another to take. Breathing difficulties then may represent problems with independence, control and loss of personal expression. In the lungs you manifest difficulties in taking life in or wanting to push it away.  They can hold sadness, unexpressed grief of emotions that accumulate over time.

Tip-off:  Are you holding grief or guilt?  Are you holding back from fully participating in life? Are you having problems setting boundaries and establishing independence?

Arms: Arms are tools for action and expression. They allow you to give a hug or to defend yourself. When you fold your arms over your chest you are creating a barrier between the world and your heart. They allow you to communicate and create enabling you to manifest your inner desires. They are also weapons for protection or for attack. If they ache or become sore it may because they have been carrying too much.

See Also

Tip-offs:  Are you doing what you desire? Have you been overextending yourself? Are you embracing or pushing back others?

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