Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 13
Hands: They allow us to manipulate and experience the world. They represent the way you do things and the feelings you have about what you are doing. You also bring about healing through your hands. Conflict in the hands could represent a desire to touch or be touched but insecurity is holding you back.
Tip-off: Do you fear letting go? Are you holding on to someone or something too tightly? Are you wanting to punch someone? Have you given someone else a hand and then not received the help you need?
Thymus gland/immune system: The thymus gland sits above the heart and is connected to the immune system. It produces t-cells which deal with bacteria, viruses, allergies, parasites and cancer. When you are feeling confident, loved and positive you may find you become ill rarely. Conversely when you feel insecure, lonely, depressed or sad you may become ill more easily. The field of psychoneuroimmunology suggests that emotions play a determining factor on what causes your immune system to decompensate. Your emotional states then energizes or depletes the thymus gland which directs the immune system.
Grounding using essential oils- rose, Melissa, neroli
*Caution about using essential oils: Essential oils should not be used on babies and children under 12 years old. During pregnancy their use is limited to only a few “safe” oils which an aroma therapist can recommend.
Heart Chakra Exercises – push-ups, swimming (breast stroke), and hugging yourself.
Yoga asana: bhujangasana (cobra), raised bhujangasana (raised cobra), janusirsasana (head to knee forward bend), matsyasana (fish pose)
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