Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 15

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 15
Heart Chakra – Healing into Wholeness using the Chakras
The 4 directions/and center -Meditation and Ritual
This exercise can be used indoors or outdoors. Stand on the ground/or soil, and create a circle. Or use with the following art/craft and stepping stone as your place to stand.
Where you stand or sit, is your Center.
Opening a ritual can be as simple as wafting sage smoke over yourself. Your openings and closings for your rituals can be as simple or as complex as you feel comfortable with. Use Closing rituals same as the opening.
Face East
The power of the East – Air
-Drawing lines, boundaries
-Making wise choices, and carry through
-Communication of the heart
Remember the choices you made/or make, and carry through, despite difficulties
Remember the power of your mind and its influences, and not to misuse this power
Remember the power of your intelligence, knowledge, and moral courage
The Gifts: Wisdom, intellect, perception, and inspiration
Face South
The power of the South – Fire
-Awareness of yourself as a channel of energy
-Ability to change spirit into matter, an idea to reality, and a concept into form
-Your will, your power to do what you must, and setting goals, follow through
Remember the power of food, and that it burns to release energy
Remember the power creativity and the warmth of a loving home.
Remember energy, passion, creativity
The Gifts: Strength, energy, and will power

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