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Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 19

Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 19

The words, and information via this chakra, does not always come as words, but via the feeling sense. Such as a knowing and intuition. The Mouth of God sits above the throat chakra. This chakra is related to hearing, listening, sensing, and knowing. On spirtual matters, truths, and wisdom.  Activation of this chakra, leads to more clear speaking and exchange in communications, and is valuable for Speaking the Truth.

Exercises for the throat and Mouth of God chakra

Rotate shoulders one at a time, then both at same time. Practice this for a couple minutes

Rotate head and neck all the way around slowly, making sure to contact chin to the neckbones and sides of shoulders. Practice a couple more minutes

Hold onto earlobe and rotate and move the ears in a circular motion

See Also

Practice jaw and mouth exercises

Toning the chakras

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