Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 21

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 21
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see”. ~Henry David Thoreau
Brow Chakra
Color – indigo
Sanskrit Name – ajna
Physical Location – center of the forehead
Purposes – wisdom, knowledge, insight, imagination
Spiritual Lesson – understanding, reality check point, detachment, open mind
Physical Dysfunctions- blindness, cataracts, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, balance left brain and right brain, sleep difficulty
Nerve Plexus- hypothalamus
Mental and Emotional Issues – fear of truth, discipline, judgment, evaluation, emotional intelligence, over intellectualization
Information Stored Inside Sacral Chakra – seeing clear picture (symbolic or literal), wisdom, and intuition
Area of Body Governed – eyes, pituitary gland
A closer look at physical dysfunctions gives clues about the underlying causes of “dis-ease”.
Eyes: The eyes allow you to perceive the world through sight. You experience your surroundings, and are able to read others through their eyes (windows of the soul) and they can read you. It’s hard to hide your feelings from others because the eyes are mirroring your inner self. Sight is more than just how well you see. It also is linked with how well you perceive, discern, feel and know. There are many causes of blindness. It could be caused by genetics, disease process or emotional trauma. Cataracts can be caused by poor diet or as an effect of aging. The lens of the eye becomes cloudy and sight is blurry. It could symbolize fear of the unknown future and withdrawing behind a cloud or illusion that nothing is really changing. Glaucoma is a build-up of pressure caused by fluid in the eye and causes tunnel vision. The fluid (tears) blocks the drainage canals. Are there unshed tears building up and affecting your clarity? Tunnel vision is seeing only what is right in front of you. Are you afraid of seeing the whole picture? Are things changing too fast for you? Eye infections or conjunctivitis, may represent infecting your feelings. What are you seeing or witnessing that is upsetting?

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