Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 22

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 22
“The more you are able to forgive then the more you are able to love.”
? Stephen Richards, Forgiveness and Love Conquers All: Healing the Emotional Self
The brow or third eye chakra is located behind the center of the eyebrows. It is usually symbolized as an eye between the brows. It symbolizes inner wisdom and discerns truth. It is associated with the mind and development of higher consciousness, perception, intuition and insight. This third eye sees beyond the limitations of self and human existence to transcend to the awakened mind. Balance between mind and heart is very important in this chakra. Without this balance you cannot transcend to the awakened mind. Heart exudes compassion while mind offers wisdom. Wisdom is beyond the obvious and the conventional way of thinking. It is often a realization of your own flawed thinking which leads you to a greater understanding. Wisdom gives compassion direction and compassion gives wisdom insight. The two aspects must be in balance. A balanced brow chakra merges the left side, where you compute and analyze, with the right side where your artistic, creative and intuitive gifts are situated. The two archetypes for the chakra are “the intellectual” and “the intuitive”.
The intellectual overthinks and over analyzes life experiences. Theorizing about everything rather than being in sync with the cycles and flow of energy. The intellectual tends to suppress feelings rather than face and experience them because they may overwhelm it. It wishes to remain in control and feelings threaten the illusion of control. This makes joy and happiness almost impossible. It does not listen to its inner voice which tells it to slow down, relax and enjoy life. It gathers information and opinions from others, relying on that information rather than its own wisdom. It doesn’t trust its own inner knowing and intuition to guide it through life. It is an over-thinker and this leads to excess worry and stress. It has trouble going outside the box and repeats patterns rather than expanding and trying something new. Doing something new would mean facing the unknown, unfamiliar and confronting fear and doubt. It tries to master chaos by living only in the left brain, but chaos is a necessary part of life. You cannot grow without it, instead you live a very limited existence. The intellectual attempts to rationalize and think its way through life and doesn’t trust its feelings or allow guidance from inner knowing. Without learning how to adapt, ground and allow the chaos of change, it never learns the miraculous nature of human existence. It prefers to manage life in a control, fixed and ridged manner. The intellectual needs balance. It needs to accept feelings and see change as an opportunity for exploration and growth. Balance requires blending of thoughts and feelings, and grounding, both to the earth and in relationships to others. Responding to life in a healthy manner by valuing personal experience, acknowledging its inner knowing and compassion it can embrace wholeness.

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