Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 22

The intuitive has access to its deepest knowing, from this depth of self, comes wisdom. This archetype has wisdom and the gift of inner sight. It trusts this sight to guide and give direction in its life. The intuitive has patience, faith, deep trust and love. These qualities allow it to travel through life’s painful and difficult circumstances. It believes the universe is benign and is simply sending it the circumstances it requires. Everything holds potential for goodness, even if in the moment it seems negative. Nothing is random and there is a higher purpose and reason for each situation to unfold as it must. It trusts that there is a necessity for negative experiences as a catalyst for growth. Thus, everything happens in alignment for the greatest good. The intuitive uses its gifts of wisdom and insight to guide its life and to help others reach greater awareness. It understands that we are all connected, that separateness is an illusion, and thus helping another is helping itself. The intuitive serves to connect others in higher consciousness and spiritual awareness through its guidance. It accepts the flaws and strengths of human nature, and understands that limitations are part of human existence. It encourages others to grow and develop to full potential, supporting and loving them through the process. It knows everyone has lessons to learn. It uses its inner knowing to decode symbols and synchronicities, understanding that the subconscious mind reflects the outer world. It knows that its thoughts create reality and that it will draw to itself the experiences it needs for growth to occur. These experiences will not always be pleasant. It looks deep within, understanding that inner peace requires trust, faith, serenity and acceptance. The intuitive knows that peace comes not from the outside but from within.

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