Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 25

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 25
“We are all connected; to each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.” ~Neil deGrasse Tyson
The Crown
Color – violet, white
Sanskrit Name – sahasrara
Physical Location – top of head
Purposes – inner wisdom, connection to one’s spirituality, integration of the whole
Spiritual Lesson – Oneness, living in the NOW
Physical Dysfunctions- central nervous system, brain
Mental and Emotional Issues – discovery of the divine, self-gratification, narcissism, loss of purpose, ability to see the bigger picture in the life stream, devotion, inspiration, values, ethics
Information Stored Inside Crown Chakra – karma, controlling patterns, emotional feelings (joy, anger, fear)
Area of Body Governed – top center of the head, midline above the ears
A closer look at physical dysfunctions gives clues about the underlying causes of “dis-ease”.
Brain and nervous system: The nervous system acts as a transmitter for information from brain to body and vice versa. It has two pathways: the automatic functions (breathing, heartbeat, digestion), and the central nervous system which connects every cell in the body. The brain acts as master control. The information is translated in several ways; electrical impulses sent along nerve pathways with neurotransmitters traveling neuron to neuron. Mental activity, behavior and the central nervous system is monitored by neurons that are linked by synapses. There are also neuropeptides which are chemical messengers that transmit information by receptor cells, and binding substances called ligands. Neuropeptides are found in the limbic system (where the brain experiences emotion). They are also found in the heart, intestines, immune system and throughout the nerves. They act as transmitters and receptors, linking the limbic system with the body by sending chemical messages that relay emotion. Nerves also communicate information to the brain. What the physical body experiences is relayed to the brain. Making them receivers as well, emotions and thoughts are transmitted to the proper cells. A flaw in any area will affect another, creating a block or dysfunction. This is what is meant by nervous disorder. Disorders can be caused by fear, panic, anger or shame and this is dysfunction of the normal communication pathways. Physical movement is also controlled by nerves. Nerves control joints and muscles as well. If the communication pathway is not clear and working correctly, then messages sent to control movement is not fully received. This can manifest as MS (Multiple Sclerosis), where the nerve sheath is damaged and message distorted, or as a pinched nerve or damaged nerve ending.

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