Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 25

Lynn Zambrano R.N.
Lynn is an energy intuitive, healer and life coach. Her sessions are filled with compassion and designed to reveal your personalized, heart-centered guidance. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook, or email Lynn at Lightminded1@yahoo.com. You can also visit her website at www.Light-Minded.com Lynn is co-host withTrustClaire on her BTR show on Mondays at 5:30 EST, and is also highlighted on Top American Healers.
Shapiro, Debbie. Your Body Speaks Your Mind. Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2006. Print.
Mercier, Patricia. The Chakra Bible: The Definitive Guide to Working with Chakras. New York: Sterling, 2007. Print.

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