Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 26

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 26
“The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system”. ~Robert C. Peale
The crown chakra is located at the top of your head and is the seventh chakra. This is where the individual self merges into universal consciousness and oneness. Every thought and every action becomes self-less. It is the energy of surrender, letting go of ego and embracing the Divine Oneness. Here you realize fully that we are all connected and this human existence and illusion of separateness is only temporary. You as a divine being are limitless. This chakra affects every aspect of your being and its function is to open you to the light of spirit and connection with Source. It also channels for you the energetic connection called ‘higher self’, ‘the divine within’. The two archetypes for this chakra are “the egotist” and “the guru”.
The egotist is often very successful in the world but lacks spiritual development. It is stuck in a level of self-gratification and is proud, arrogant and full of its own self-importance. Where the victim archetype feels it has no power or control, the egotist is a polar opposite. It believes that it alone is responsible for its success and achievements. It refuses to acknowledge the Divine Source or any guiding and protective presence. Most of its focus is in the left brain, which is the center for logic and analytical thought processes. It may reject others for their imperfections which would leave it isolated. The egotist can be a very conscious person with well-developed intuition. It believes that it is the highest force possible and rejects the spiritual part of itself. It relies on ego only as its strength. The egotist is enmeshed in the material world and has an extreme world view. It tends to be hard on itself and believes that showing pain or emotion to be weakness. It may show disapproval by “punishing” itself or others. The egotist is superficial and it projects onto the outside world what it cannot express. It separates itself from spirit and the higher realms of awareness believing it is the only power. It is limited by its own perceptions and beliefs, which keep it from evolving. This diminishes the power of its true self and places instead limitations that it has chosen to define itself.
The guru is the highest archetype and is in a place of self-responsibility and empowerment. It is one with Source and has limitless possibilities. Everything is co-created, meaning it has accepted its personal responsibility and works with Spirit to create the world around it. Everything and everyone exists in oneness. This allows for a constant flow of energy in love and universal consciousness. It understands and operates through the laws of attraction and discernment. Because this archetype understands and accepts responsibility for co-creating, and understands that it is the source for all of its experiences, it is able to transmute negative to positive. What once may have been hidden is brought into the light. Everything can be loved and embraced because there is no longer “good” or “bad”. There are only circumstances that are experienced in order to grow and evolve. The guru knows it is Divine. It is Divine incarnate, and it seeks to help others find this awareness within themselves. It understands that true power comes from within and does not seek it in the outside world. The guru chooses to live life fully by expressing love and compassion and does not interfere with anyone else’s development. You must learn your own lessons. It lives its life empowered by the truth that love is who we all are.
Lynn Zambrano R.N.
Lynn is an energy intuitive, healer and life coach. Her sessions are filled with compassion and designed to reveal your personalized, heart-centered guidance. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook, or email Lynn at Lightminded1@yahoo.com. You can also visit her website at www.Light-Minded.com Lynn is co-host withTrustClaire on her BTR show on Mondays at 5:30 EST, and is also highlighted on Top American Healers .
Wauters, Ambika. Chakras and Their Archetypes: Uniting Energy Awareness and Spiritual Growth. Freedom, CA: Crossing, 1997. Print.
Mercier, Patricia. The Chakra Bible: The Definitive Guide to Working with Chakras. New York: Sterling, 2007. Print.

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