Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 27

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 27
Crown Chakra-Healing into Wholeness using the Chakras Part 1
Group meditations
The goodness that comes from group meditations, is that it is even greater than just one person meditating at home for days, months, years. Group meditations makes a difference, and brings universal connectedness and healing. Meditation is about self-exploration, and yes that is good. The synergy of meditating with others, makes it personally, and socially more powerful. Meditating together has a measurable effect on the greater population. Coming together in loving kindness, and with a shared intent can have a great social impact. Group meditations bring you out of being just a number, an a face in the crowd. Group meditation builds a good support network. It helps to bring the changes that start within, and into action. Group meditation brings us together, and connects our souls deeply and in very meaningful ways. Having a support network, via group meditation helps one stay on track on your personal healing journey into wholeness.Group meditation promotes the celebration of love, life and peace. There are many group, varieties, diversities, and universal meditations, via the internet, and within communities,and even blog radios.
A few ideas on Intentional focus for group meditations
-Sustainable and clean energy
-Living as one with earth
-The end of power and control structures that oppress and suppress
-Conscious parenting, and education
-Raising the Love vibration
-Ending violence, and promoting of non-violence and world peace
-Freedom and equality
-Universal abundance and wholeness
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

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