Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 28

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 28
Crown Chakra-Healing into Wholeness using the Chakras Part 2
Art and Craft
Creating sacred geometry
There are a variety of ways to create in artistic expression..via sacred gemometric art and expressions, using a variety of resources and supplies
-You can print off one from the internet and color
-Purchase a coloring book. Colored pencils, oil pastels, colored chalk, and colored ink are great resources to use for this.
-Purchase stencils with the sacred shapes, and create and layout a design
-Use a circle. A top of a cup. Dip into paint and apply onto paper, using the law of multiplying, like the flower of life
-Create a crystal grid pattern. Or use stones.
-Cutting fruits and vegetables in half, and painting with them. Pay attention and be mindful of the sacred geometry of nature, and the seeds within
-Pull apart delicately, intrinsically, a favorite flower, and lay petals into a sacred geometric shape
-Hand painting. Dip hand into colors, as a group, and create a circle of life, promoting love and peace
-Create a hand crafted kaleidoscope
-Paint and add glitter to a Pine-cone
You can visit Nancy on Facebook:
Contact her for a Healing Sessions at:
http://www.supremepsychics.com (Sunshyne)
email at Sunshyne99_33@yahoo.com

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