Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 29

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 29
Thank you for taking this journey with me! I am so glad to have shared this with you. I would like to state that I do believe traditional medicine is and will continue to be a very important part of health. When you have physical symptoms they must be addressed first by a medical doctor and treated with the appropriate treatments, then look for an energetic cause. I do believe that a good portion of health issues have energetic causes and feel it is important to take self-responsibility. It is my hope that by looking at the chakras and the energy centers they represent, it has provided insight on how energetic causes can manifest as symptoms in the body. Accepting the truth and meaning of a symptom is not easy because it means having to face feelings you have been avoiding. Acceptance of the truth also means having to accept that unwanted feeling in order to heal. Illness gives you an opportunity to look at your life, see patterns and behaviors, and choose to embrace, surrender, heal and bring profound change into your life.
Recipes for cleansing and grounding:
There are two for each chakra. A sugar scrub and a bath soak. Also you can recommend putting the essential oils in a diffuser to incorporate them into the air.
Basic sugar scrub:
1/2 cup olive oil
1 cup sugar
20 to 30 drops of quality essential oils. I recommend Young Living.
Use in tub or shower. Rub onto wet skin of arms, legs, torso, neck and shoulders. Breathe in the scent. Rinse off. Then pat dry. Caution, this can make the tub/shower slippery!

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