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Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 4

Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 4

Healing Into Wholeness Using Chakras Day 4

By Nancy Robinson an Lynn Zambrano

Root chakra – Healing into Wholeness using the Chakras


Starting off with the Root Chakra, it is very good to practice deep relaxation and peace. Being aware, and comfortable as a incarnated being of Light and Love.


Deep relaxation meditation

Toes to Head


Dim any lights, and lay down. A pillow behind neck or head for any spinal pain and support works well. You can also use a reclining chair. Light a candle.


Inhale slowly, and fully breath in, bringing air into lungs, through nostrils. Hold for a count of 5, then exhale, slowly through mouth. Be aware of the breath. Repeat 10 times.


Sense your body as a whole, and all the places where your body contacts surfaces


Close your eyes and bring your awareness to your feet


Wiggle your toes, and flex your feet. Let go of all tension as much as you can, allowing your feet to relax.


Shift your awareness to your lower legs, thighs, and hips


Imagine them becoming heavy and melting into the floor and letting go

See Also


Bring your awareness to the lower abdomen


Imagine all tension melting away, deepen your breath, and sense your abdomen softening


Bring your awareness to your upper abdomen, chest, neck, and throat, feeling the areas opening, softening and flowing


Bring your awareness to your shoulders, upper and lower arms, and hands.


Imagine them becoming heavy and relaxed and dissolving

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