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Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 9

Healing into Wholeness Using Chakras – Day 9

Tip-off: Have you been feeling angry and bitter?

Pancreas: The pancreas produces enzymes necessary for breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Without them, nutrients wouldn’t be digested correctly and would pass through your system undigested. This would cause indigestion, bloating and perhaps diarrhea.

Tip-offs: Do you feel overwhelmed and unable to cope in a situation? Are you able to digest your feelings? What needs to change?

Stomach: Digestion occurs here.  The stomach has been aided by the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. It is here that you receive nourishment (food or support from others) and let yourself be nourished and nurtured. Without this action a gnawing craving to fill your needs is manifested. It could also be that you are rejecting and denying your needs as well. The vomit reflect could be seen as rejecting mechanism and you might ask yourself, “am I rejecting nourishment/nurturing or is it just a bad shrimp? Indigestion is as much about worry and anxiety as it is about the wrong foods.

See Also

Intestines: This is where nutrients are either absorbed or are prepared for departure! This is also where you process your “stuff”.  It’s a clearing station.  If you are not processing emotion you will experience tension and stress (diarrhea). Without proper processing you can’t release or let go, so emotion can become stuck (constipation). It has the potential to be a center for personal power, but if you are not connecting with your inner strength it will manifest as emptiness and need.

Tip-offs: Are you feeling anxiety? Do you feel like you’ve been hit in the guts? Are you holding on to something unable to let go? What would happen if you let things unfold rather than try to control?

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