Healing & Recovery – Day 2

Healing and Recovery Day 2
By Dana Jacoviello
12 Things that MUST be on Your Everyday “TO DO” List
- Be thankful for everything you have because there are always people who are without. Make sure you say this out loud each and every single day starting with today. There is always someone worse. We are not the only ones who might feel we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. Again,this might sound simple, but there is a big difference between saying things in our head and actually saying them out loud. You will what it does for your heart and soul to say certain things out loud. While you’reat it, tell someone else today that you are thankful for them and tell them why. This aids in teaching us humility, which is something we must all learn on our journey.
Xo peace and love
Dana Jacoviello is a writer, psychology student, student affiliate of APA and NYSPA. Dana is also a motivational mentor and coach, with a strong interest in networking and social media, faith, healing, recovery, addiction, yoga, and meditation. Dana is also an activist and believes in living a life of service and helping others. Dana’s methods are up to date, modern, and diverse with a holistic and spiritual faith based focus. Dana’s two main goals are to inspire to inspire when working with others and to get them to do the work to see the part of them they never realized was there. Dana’s future goals are to expand to public speaking, radio, and publishing. Please join Dana on her latest anti- bullying social media campaign/project at www.bullieskeepout.com

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