Healing & Recovery – Day 22

30 Days to Healing and Recovery Day 22 by Dana Jacoviello
Ten Things to Begin Your Journey to Recovery and Healing
2. Find a support group and support system. The key to success is to be held accountable for whatever you are going through. At times we find we leave a trail of destruction behind us in the healing or recovery process. We need people to talk with outside of our friends and family. Finding support helps us to let go and feel those emotions we might still be holding onto. It is ok to admit to not being as tough as we always thought or pretended to be. You don’t have to be strong all the time. In fact, it is not healthy to be strong all the time. We have to feel without numbing ourselves. In numbing we are only creating a bigger web. The more hands you have to grab onto when you need and reach out to the better. A support group will provide that.

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