Healing & Recovery – Day 23

30 Days to Healing and Recovery Day 23 by Dana Jacoviello
Ten Things to Begin Your Journey to Recovery and Healing
3. Make a plan. Write down what you need to accomplish. Follow a 12-step program. I am going to tell you to be careful about putting a time limit on your goals because you will only put too much pressure on yourself if you do not succeed, which often leads to relapse. You only fail when you do not try. If you try and are not successful you get up and try again. The best things in life do not come easy. We have to work for them. If in the end you still have not attained your mission, it is ok to move on. There is no shame in that. We all have been down that road. Some of the greatest lives lived and some of the best people were once a mess. I made that up, but it doesn’t mean I don’t believe it. I did plenty of research on it over the years. Take your time and do it right so it lasts. If you get discouraged, deal with it and move passed it. Don’t make it a habit to continually start from the beginning. Just follow a plan.
Dana Jacoviello is a writer, psychology student, student affiliate of APA and NYSPA. Dana is also a motivational mentor and coach, with a strong interest in networking and social media, faith, healing, recovery, addiction, yoga, and meditation. Dana is also an activist and believes in living a life of service and helping others. Dana’s methods are up to date, modern, and diverse with a holistic and spiritual faith based focus. Dana’s two main goals are to inspire to inspire when working with others and to get them to do the work to see the part of them they never realized was there. Dana’s future goals are to expand to public speaking, radio, and publishing. Please join Dana on her latest anti- bullying social media campaign/project atwww.bullieskeepout.com
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DJacoviello7?ref=tn_tnmn
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