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Healing & Recovery – Day 29

Healing & Recovery – Day 29


30 Days to Healing and Recovery Day 29 by Dana Jacoviello

9. Look for and sign up for an online recovery conference or plan to go to one in person. It has to have a focus of healing and recovery. It does not matter what type of recovery it is because recovery is recovery and healing is healing. It is about motivation and inspiration to push down those walls. This is an awesome experience if you have never done it. If you have, do it again. There are so many out there that you can learn a wide array of tools and techniques to employ into your journey. They are life changing for many. I have taken them myself and I was astounded the firs time around. I still continue to engage in them. We are constantly needing that reassurance and listening to those that understand and have been through what we have. Life is about change no matter how much we want to stay stuck in our ways for fear of what it is ahead. These conferences provide an entirely new perspective and you get to hear different perspectives and views as well. Some you can relate to more than others. The point is to see you are not alone and many our in the fight right along side you. They are taking a stand against fear and suffering. This is one of the best and biggest step you can do regularly to help yourself. The avenues at our disposal are great. They also have radio shows/podcasts you can listen to or participate in a Spreecast. I was just introduced to this app myself. Many people use it. These are just some ideas to bounce around of different avenues at our disposal. There are no excuses to make anymore. We either become an active participant in our healing and recovery or we choose to suffer and prepare for the consequences that will come.

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