Healing & Recovery – Day 30

30 Days to Healing and Recovery Day 30 by Dana Jacoviello
Ten Things to Begin Your Journey to Recovery and Healing
10. Give. Live a life of service. What you do will inspire and motivate others. I challenge you to give to someone else in some way today. Basically, pay it forward. There is no greater feeling in the world. There is only so much to say about this because it is self-explanatory. So today for your challenge I want you to start doing this. Start small and stay small if you want. It does not have to be big. It is not always about that. Start today by donating to a charity or signing up for a walk or run or volunteer at a soup kitchen or animal shelter. Take your first step today and make it a regular habit. You must make change and put all your effort into it. In doing so for you, it would be such a gift to others to give back. You will reap so much more than looking to someone else to provide these things for you or hand you good and positive energy to get you motivated and up and going. Continue exploring. Continue to reach out for you and put your hand out to others too. Never give up on your healing and recovery. You only fail if you do not try. You don’t because you tried. In giving, you find ways to better yourself. Strive to live that healthy and balanced lifestyle. That new you is waiting to be found and released. Make your journey unforgettable. You are the author or your story…and only you. I’m ready…I am willing…ARE YOU?

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