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Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 1

Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 1

Illuminate the Committee in Your Head Day 1

By Stephanie Foley

Who Are You?

If we are unsure of who we are, we will live always guessing at where we should go and what we should do.  But when we know who we are and feel comfortable with ourselves, we can live clearly and courageously.  Bolstered by a strong sense of our own nature, assisted by reliable inner voices, we are guided toward what is necessary and right.

~Wayne Muller

Consider your race, gender, class, job, responsibilities, and relationships.  Write a short summary or list to answer the question:  Who am I?

Explore the roles that emerge from your race, gender, class, job, responsibilities and relationships.  Are these roles an adequate answer to the question of who you are?

See Also

Each role we play is a bundle of beliefs and a bagful of expectations, and when those beliefs and expectations aren’t met by others or the world, we’re disappointed and take it personally.  When we let go of our roles, we can do what we’re called to do.  We no longer take the world personally or need to make sure that our ego gets attention and validation.

~Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

Tomorrow we will use the list you created today to explore the effects of releasing these roles even if only for a short time.

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