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Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 8

Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 8

Illuminate the Committee in Your Head- Day 8 

Wish on a Star

Last week, on Day 3, you journeyed inside to meet the joyful child and today you will connect with that part of yourself that believes in magic during another guided visualization.  Today’s visualization, Wish on a Star, coincides with the new moon – a powerful time for setting intentions and visioning the future.  As you make your wish today, allow yourself the fun of doing it with your whole heart.  If any voices pop into your head with input or opinions in favor or against this effort, simply make note of them.  These are subpersonalities you may or may not have met on Day 5.  Thank them for their input and dismiss them just for the visualization.  Suspend all mental clutter long enough to allow yourself the moment of joy it takes to simply make a wish with all your heart.

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