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Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 9

Illuminate the Committee in Your Head – Day 9

Illuminate the Committee in Your Head Day 9

By Stephanie Foley

Sub-personality Stages

Today’s objective is to learn about the five subpersonality stages and create a foundation for illumination work with the committee members in your head.  The stages are:

See Also

  1. Recognition – By exploring who you are you discover different aspects of yourself.  As you get to know them, you begin to see that they are not the whole of you, and you can dis-identify with them.  They are only a part of the whole.  The exercise done on Day 5 can be repeated as often as is helpful.
  2. Acceptance – Many parts of you have not been accepted or allowed to express themselves.  Often the traits we dislike in others may be clues to disowned parts of ourselves.  Each subpersonality is an attempt to express a legitimate need.  With subpersonality work, your tolerance, empathy, and acceptance will increase for yourself as well as others.
  3. Coordination – The core of you takes leadership of the committee in your head.  You allow them input and opinions, but not unlimited freedom.  As chair of the committee, you begin to illuminate each member, and each member begins to cooperate in kind.  It sees that cooperation becomes more effective at getting it’s needs met, or it’s needs subside because the real need to be recognized and accepted is accomplished.
  4. Integration – As you develop self-mastery in the chairperson role, your committee becomes integrated to the point where there is not much conflict.  You have inner dialogue easily and the centered self or your role as committee chair begins to be the focus of identity.  Your behavior is no longer as reactionary and you are making conscious choices from a centered place.
  5. Synthesis – Your committee is illuminated.  The individuality of the members has faded as have dysfunctional behavior patterns.  Higher qualities, talents, and transformations emerge.

The next 20 Days will guide you through these five stages in a spiraling approach. Tomorrow you will see a video showing our first coordinating exercise.  It’s okay if you only have one or a few subpersonalities identified as it is a process.  Tomorrow we will use our eight psychological functions in the exercise.  Your subpersonalities usually take on one or more functions so the process may help you identify more subpersonalities as well.  The eight functions are sensation, emotion, impulse, imagination, thought, intuition, will, and the committee chair.

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