Inner World of Yoga – Day 0
Yoga: Bringing Joy, Creativity and Wholeness to Life
By Wendy Kolanz
When you think of Yoga, does it bring an image of sweaty exercises on a rubber mat with the goal mainly being physical fitness? Yoga today is most often defined in terms of the postures or Asanas that constitute the third limb of Yoga. This confuses people about the true nature of authentic Yoga, since in actuality Asana is one small part or just one tool in the box. Yoga is a complete system and the word itself refers to the entirety of YOGA.
In fact, true YOGA is for everyone. It has been called a “life-style” but is more accurately a way of living that brings inner growth for a truly fulfilling life – it is really about embracing a process that allows you to be integrated, authentic and connected to a conscious awareness of the expanding bigger picture.
What Yoga IS NOT
- Yoga is not just another sweaty exercise program on a rubber mat
- Yoga is not a cult looking for devotees
- Yoga does not contradict or interfere with any religion
- It is not about becoming a pretzel or being a super slim, trim “yoga body” (although it can help)
- It is not about special clothing, beads or tattoos, a specific age group, body type or ability
- Yoga is for EVERYONE regardless of age, body type or ability
- Yoga is the practice of tools and principles that bring inner growth for a truly fulfilling life
- Yoga practice is a door to better health in body, mind and spirit
- Yoga is a profound, beautiful and powerful, ancient 5000 year old living tradition
- Yoga accepts all paths based in universal truths, asking each practitioner only to remain true to themselves building greater strength within; clarifying and enhancing their own belief system
Yoga Alliance is a certifying organization for Yoga instructors. The organization lists 10 reasons to try Yoga. They are summarized below.
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