Inner World of Yoga – Day 15
To transform our lives on a fundamental level, we need to be fundamentally engaged in the change. Sometimes change seems to find us, but then again, many would say, is not without either our declared intent or tacit agreement. Nothing is really an accident.
Success/failure; disease/health; fragmentation/wholeness; balance/imbalance, etc., there are no accidents in life whether the level is physical, mental, emotional, psychological, karmic, or spiritual. In Oprah Winfrey’s 2013 commencement address at Harvard, she declared: “There is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.”
I recall Maharishi advising that when something seems too difficult, or there are too many obstacles, then perhaps it is the wrong direction, or the wrong timing, and instead of fighting it or seeing it as negative, the message is to examine, evaluate, feel it, accept and move with the change. It could be something as simple as a delay due to a need to change clothes last minute before leaving the house which puts you behind schedule. But what if the delay meant you avoided being involved in a serious accident on the highway? Or it could be a job, college acceptance or a marriage that fell through. Both examples illustrate life changing events, but the one that helped you avoid the accident is perhaps the more significant since it could have profoundly changed your physical and mental ability to live life on all levels.
Like all things, there is a duality here, and it is important to employ true listening within so you are not just using “intervention by the Universe” for example, to explain away a delay in your morning routine that made you late for work when in fact, you simply hate your job and don’t want to go. In that case, examine your emotion involving your job, and work on that.
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