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Inner World of Yoga – Day 18

Inner World of Yoga – Day 18



Working on coming to the place where RESPONSE can arise out of the process of completing each experience and living instead in the consciousness of joy, is a process involving understanding and working with the nature of your mind, finding the awakening and opening of your heart, and forming a bond and relationship with your personal inner divine, which for you holds all significant attributes of the Divine power of the Universe.


Today’s practice is to engage in true listening within and “seeing” when you can act in a positive way or have reacted in a negative way; have been controlling or indifferent.


For continued growth please remember:

Workshops and retreats in which you engage with a knowledgeable and compassionate teacher, in a safe and supportive environment, is like taking the bullet train or a rocket to faster and deeper release, bringing you to higher levels of inner knowing much faster.


See Also
Darity Wesley

In this time of enormously fast and profound change on every level, the universe is supporting humankind with tremendous energy for change, yet it is up to each individual to make the decision, conscious or otherwise, to grow or stay stuck.


Retreats over several days or longer are empowering and offer opportunities for growth which include:

  • realizing the true nature of detachment; what it really means to “let go and let God”
  • learning how to identify negative energy from hidden traumas that sabotage your healing
  • how to avoid being held hostage and move your wellness beyond the norm of your condition


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