Inner World of Yoga – Day 20

Inner World of Yoga Day 20
by Wendy Kolanz
Dance from Your Soul
Practice for Week 1 / Day 6: Dance Like You Mean It.
Practice for Week 2 / Day 13: Dance Like You Mean It
Practice for Week 3 / Day 20: Dance From Your Soul
Today’s practice is about allowing the body to move as it wishes, from the inside out to build intuitive strength and capacity. Move to music, to breath, with Tai Chi, dance in your living room or in your car; dance with your whole body, your hands, feet, arms, eyes, etc. … just allow your body to feel how it wants to MOVE!
Dance From Your Soul – from the inside out. Dancing from the soul level is healing on all levels of your being.
If you are someone whose body bolts in the opposite direction when you hear the worddance PLEASE stick with me here — this one thing could very well change your life.
Today’s practice is about allowing the body to move as it wishes, from the inside out, to build intuitive connection, strength and capacity. This is in essence a moving meditation that activates the energy centers or chakras and stimulates flow, release of blocks and balancing of your vital energies.
In this case seeing a demonstration is more reinforcing than simply reading more words. DOING it yourself is the goal and from the doing, comes the rewards.
The process is described below, followed by a YouTube link I found for you to view that is in line with this practice.
· If you have poor balance at this point and cannot shift your balance easily on your feet, stand mostly in place.

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