Inner World of Yoga – Day 21

I encourage you to try some chanting, whether it’s one of the two chants in this practice, “Om Shanti Om” or “OM,” or you chant with recordings. Listening to Catholic monks and nuns chanting in Latin is very soothing and transporting as well. It is a way to begin. It is most important to always chant or sing from the heart.
Chanting is centering, devotional, calming and brings you into the place of the heart and intuition, connecting you to divine energy probably more quickly than any other practice.
Bhakti, or devotional practices honor the divine within each of us and our connection to the Supreme Being. We chant for connection and to ask for the power and grace of Divine to guide us and help us on our path. Yoga honors all paths to Divine or God based in universal truths, as the first chant below acknowledges.
Akashath pathitham Thoyam
Yatha gatchathi Sagaram
Sarva Deva Namaskaram
Keshavam Prathi gatchathi”
Like water that descends from the skies and flows into the seas,
All offerings to all Gods reach the Supreme Deity
Every living being finally merges with the Supreme Being
asato m? sad gamaya
tamaso m? jyotir gamaya
m?tyor m? am?ta? gamaya
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad, I.iii.28[1]
From ignorance lead me to truth
From darkness lead me to light
From death lead me to immortality
Namaste! Wendy

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