Inner World of Yoga – Day 26

Inner World of Yoga: Day 26
Mind Structure: Part 4 Childhood Decisions – How Simply it Happens in Innocence
by Wendy Kolanz
The most deeply ingrained “decisions” resulting from the workings of samskaras and vasanas which go on to manifest in the mind as reactions in virtually all relationship situations, are the earliest ones that manifest by the age of 6 or at the most, 8 years. The problem of course, is we are seldom aware they are operating. (Day 25)
An obvious example of this mechanism is illustrated by trading one marriage, one job, one friend, for a new one, and finding the initial problem re-surfacing.
I have a friend who has been married four times and a number of others who have married three times. I have a friend who recently began a new job and is finding the same situations surfacing which prompted an end to the last job. There are those who “always seem” to succeed at what they attempt, and others who “always seem” to stop before completion, or consider their attempt a failure. The glass is “half empty” or “half full.”
These decisions are the result of our vasanas and samskaras at work. Example: Child was playing in the backyard with a neighboring child and runs into the house to tell the mother she was hit by her friend because she refused to do what her friend demanded. She is very upset. She feels powerless and needs to be reassured and comforted. Mother is too busy trying to figure out how to pay the bills this month, gives her a cookie and says to go back out and play. Confused, she takes the cookie and quietly leaves. The child is young, around 5 years old. She is innocent. She has no personal history that allows her to understand her Mother’s action, or rationalize what has just occurred. The mother meant no harm, loves the child, and thought the cookie was both expedient and a treat that would distract the child and dry the tears. The child’s friend hit her because that is what her mother does to her, although the child doesn’t know that.

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