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Inner World of Yoga – Day 29

Inner World of Yoga – Day 29


Journey with Music and Meaning for Ascension                                                                             

by Wendy Kolanz

Gayatri Mantra has been called the most sacred, powerful and meaningful of mantras in the Vedic tradition. Sacred music in any language is powerful. It is likely that the more ancient the language, the easier its vibrational quality flows, opening us to the power of the Divine.

Chants fill your body-mind-spirit with positive, transformative and life affirming energy. Please follow the links below. 

  1. This is a link to the meaning of the Gayatri Mantra.…

The Gayatri Mantra Lyrics  – Short Version

Gayatri Mantra lyrics and meaning. The shorter form is more commonly used.

See Also


 *** Three versions of short translations for Gayatri Mantra:

  • “OM We meditate upon the Divine Light of that adored Sun of Spiritual Consciousness, which stimulates our power of spiritual perception; May It open our hearts and enlighten our Intellect. OM”
  • “OM  We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe, may He enlighten our minds.OM”
  • “OM through the coming and going, and the balance of life, the essential nature, which illumines existence remains. May all perceive through subtle intellect the brilliance of enlightenment. OM”

The following links are to different renditions of the Gayatri Mantra. When you are listening, be in a relaxed state, you can close your eyes and let the mantra flow into you. It is even more powerful when you chant along with the powerful vibrations flowing from your own voice throughout your body. Or, chant it silently within.

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