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Inner World of Yoga – Day 6

Inner World of Yoga – Day 6


How Ayurveda defines the three causes of disease or condition is where the intellect and emotions come into play. The causes below are defined in descending order of importance:

  1. Mistakes of the intellect or behavior patterns and belief systems that divide the body/mind from the spirit
  2. Sensory abuse that results in an inability to make life-supporting decisions
  3. Effect of Seasons. Each dosha has its own response to seasonal changes. When significant imbalance due to causes one and two are present, the body is more impacted by seasonal stresses.

An out of balance state eventually erupts in undesirable chronic conditions or disease as immunity breaks down, pathogens accumulate, and degenerative disorders arise.

Misalignment, disregard and abuse of our intellect and emotions result in bad habits, poor personal values, and create a constellation of repressed emotions such as anger, fear and anxiety. All this is linked to various conditions including intestinal issues, heart disease, liver problems, auto-immune, etc.

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 Good News ~ DANCE it Out I have danced since I could stand up and move, which in my case was at about 8 months. Not everyone has this inability to remain still while music is playing. My body moves whether I wish it to or not. Some individuals will not move no matter what. Am I in perfect health? No. But, I can tell you that my first two years of Improvisational Dance study and performance were the equivalent of two good years of effective therapy. I’ve spent 13 years on my present spiritual path, and was amazed and pleased when part of every retreat was dancing. I asked my teacher about it, and he said he is not inclined to move. When he was studying with his teacher, at first he resisted. After witnessing the release of emotional blocks on a regular basis during and following dancing from within, he has incorporated it in every retreat since.

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