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Inner World of Yoga – Day 6

Inner World of Yoga – Day 6



 Dancing from Within is Healing on All Levels of Your Being

In this case seeing a demonstration is more reinforcing than simply reading more words. DOING it yourself is the goal and from the doing, comes the rewards.

The process is described below, followed by a YouTube link I found for you to view that is in line with this practice.

See Also

  • If you have poor balance at this point and cannot shift your balance easily on your feet, stand mostly in place.
  • If standing itself is an issue, dance while sitting
  • Put on some soothing music like flute, new age (suggestions below)
  • To begin be in standing (or sitting if necessary) position, close your eyes, feel the breath in the body
  • You will feel some part of the body begin to move>>>>>Follow It
  • One movement will lead to another
  • Movement is fluid and slow, like Tai Chi or QiGong
  • Your body may take you to move in high, middle and low planes, and perhaps to the floor
  • You are looking to ALLOW movement, not create it or do what you think you should do (remember,should implies conditioning and is akin to a yoga swear word)
  • Allow any arising emotions to express themselves, staying with/dancing them until they release
  • Dance From Within for 5-20 minutes
  • To end, either stand or sit and observe the breath
  • Once you are comfortable with the breath, lie down in Savasana (relaxation) on your back, and focus on breath and body sensation
  • If lying down is not possible, sit and go into breath awareness
  • Stay in relaxation for 5-10 minutes
  • Come out slowly and easily, gently opening the eyes and moving back into your day

Suggested Video Link:

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