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Inner World of Yoga – Day 8

Inner World of Yoga – Day 8


Inner World Yoga- Day 8

Week 2: Yoga and Your Mind explores the nature of the mind and how it relates to awareness and consciousness.

The True Nature of the MIND

Most of us equate the self with the physical body and the mind. Mind especially, is equated also with brain activity, and we believe therefore that the brain holds the center of our consciousness.

An eighth-century Indian mystic Shankara, who likened the mind to a tiger prowling the forest, prompted author J.D. Salinger in the 1970’s to state he was mauled by that tiger almost every waking moment.

Sound all too familiar? The constant judging, repeating scenarios, second guessing, blaming others, guilt, justifications, rationalizations for our behaviors and decisions, kicking ourselves for our shortcomings, serial failed relationships; it goes on and on.

See Also

Whether you refer to the ceaseless chatter of the mind as “monkey brain”  “movie mind on repeat” or “prowling tiger” the fact remains that insomnia, hypertension, stress eating and other undesirable habits; anger, fear, and all sorts of negative emotions and obsessions; a label of “unspecified” anxiety, depression, and all other sorts of maladies of body/mind/spirit; for most of us, comes back to the incessant noise in our minds. We want, or rather need, it to stop, or so we think.

For the vast majority the MIND causes no end of stress. We basically have a constant battle within us between where we are and where we want to be, and in the realm of physical well-being, Where the MIND goes, the BODY follows.

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