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Inner World of Yoga – Day 8

Inner World of Yoga – Day 8


Yoga maintains it is our purpose in this life to attain the highest level of consciousness possible in this human body before we leave the body behind.

Through the vehicle of the body we gain access to the mind and begin our journey to higher levels of consciousness that move us ever closer to living in complete flow and joy – vibrational harmony with the universe.

In Week 1 of Inner World of Yoga, we looked at tools and methods of accessing our inner world and our right brain or intuitive function, which are essential to release stress, find relaxation and bring more clarity. Without relaxation we literally remain stuck in the mud of our mind.

Though the journey sounds simple – to know your true nature – it is not exactly easy. But life isn’t easy anyway so why not move it in the direction of ease and joy, using your desire, intent and action (practices). In Week 2, we travel a little deeper into yoga and begin to look for and access the more subtle energies of our being that allow higher levels of consciousness and awareness to build, as inner strength or inner spiritual muscle.

If what you want out of this life is true happiness, fulfillment, and purpose and you recognize the gift Yoga offers you are in the right place, because it can be yours.

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