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Is Facebook Sucking the Life Out of Your Relationships?

Is Facebook Sucking the Life Out of Your Relationships?


In this cyber age, where the world has really became a extended tribe, communications are faster, the news is wider and relationships are even more complicated, we see ourselves rebuilding our society and web of relationships based on a new culture where time and space “virtually” do not exist. Here is the million dollars question:

OMTimes asks you..

Is Social Media ruining or improving relationships?

You be the judge….

Everything great about the internet is terrible for relationships. Why? Relationships involve real people who need your attention in real time. Are you guilty of letting social media occasionally stand.

Don’t let Social Media ruin your Relationship | The Tao of Indifference

See Also

4 Ways Technology May be Ruining Your Relationship – Psych Central

4 Ways Technology May be Ruining Your Relationship. By YourTango Experts The study surveyed social media used by 3,500 couples, including Facebook, emails, texts, tweets and instant messages. Couples who used ore outlets to ruin your relationship and half the time, people are just too oblivious to realize it. Here are some tips on how to avoid relationship drama that apply to ALL social media

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