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King Corn

King Corn


A Review of King Corn

By Jenny Sansouci

King CornKing Corn is one of those documentaries that I’ve been hearing about for years. I remember people raving about it when I was in nutrition school, saying it was one of those “must-see” films about the food industry, but I never got around to actually watching it until now. When I saw that it was offered on, I figured it was about time I check it out.

The documentary (which came out in 2006) follows 2 college friends, Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis, as they embark on a mission to learn the truth about the food industry. Hearing news that for the first time in American history, our generation was at risk of having a shorter lifespan than our parents, and that it was because of what we eat, their curiosity led them to do some research of their own.

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When they did their initial investigating, they found that “we’re basically made out of corn” due to the high amount of corn in every virtually all processed foods in America. We’re talking about corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, corn startch, corn solids, hydrolyzed corn protein and more. Corn is a part of our lives every day, and most people don’t even realize it.

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