Letting Go – Day 11
In both cases, the dreaming is not a place separate from us, but a part of us, intrinsic to our existence and the knowledge of who we are in the world. It connects us to the energies we share this planet with, be they in the form of humans, rocks or spirits. It requires for many people a setting aside of ‘reality,’ to allow for the possibility of such things to exist, yet in indigenous understandings of life, it simply is. The things that we call reality may seem far less real to one raised with such beliefs.
So what does this teach us about letting go? It demonstrates that ‘reality’ as we see it, is neither universal nor is it static. It is a constant process of letting go of what we perceive to be real, in this 3-D perspective, and allowing for other ways of seeing the world around us. It shows us that by letting go of the belief that we can control everything and everyone within our sphere, we can instead turn to the energies around us to assist us in finding the path that’s right for us. It speaks to the potential of letting go of separation, and embracing the idea that we are all one, and each step we take on this Earth leaves some kind of footprint. It opens us up to the possibility that by letting go of that separateness, we can see the variety around us as a beautiful and natural part of life, embracing others’ successes and joys as we would our own, and mourning along with them in their grief.
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