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Letting Go – Day 12

Letting Go – Day 12


Throughout the world, and history, there have been plants designed to aid in the healing process. The Bwiti tribe of Cameroon and Gabon use the powdered root bark of the Tabernanthe Iboga tree to induce powerful visions and journey to the worlds beyond to communicate with ancestors. It also has connections to Ayahuasca, in that it has been found to be a quick and withdrawal-free cure for substance addictions. Magic mushrooms, peyote, and datura have all been used in ritual settings throughout history.


These powerful releasing tools were recognized by shamans and healers around the world before they became popular as recreational experiences. The idea is to let go of ego and allow the spirit of the plant to lead you. In most cases, the chemical components of the substance have effects on parts of your brain, meaning the letting go is complete, and beyond conscious decisions. In a ritualistic setting, the patient surrenders to the shaman’s wisdom and allows them to lead the journey. Of course, there are even more tangible examples of letting go when you consider what is released during the healing process: emotional memories, entities, beliefs, patterns, etc. People crash through barriers of belief systems about whether or not anything exists beyond what they perceive as reality.

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This is letting go on a grand scale. And it is thanks to the shamans and healers who have lived among the plants for generations and heard their whispers in the forest, that we have the capacity to benefit from this incredible power.

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