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Letting Go – Day 15

Letting Go – Day 15


Death (13) – the ultimate in letting go, really. It is why letting go feels so difficult, because it feels like something is dying, and in a way, it is. It means our perception of what is, in this moment, has to die in order to make room for the new. Again it links back to Birth, and the idea that all of life is circular. It speaks of letting go in order for the death to come (not fighting or resisting it), and letting go of the fear of the unknown that lies beyond.


The Tower (16) – not just letting go, but busting down the foundations of what has supported you to this point. This one is a destructive force that comes to tear down old structures, leaving behind fertile soil on which to build something new, something stronger than ever before. It’s a brilliant card, but it can be frightening because it appears as a force that seems out of our control. It can be something that happens in your life if you’ve been ignoring or resisting the signs about letting go, and it can feel pretty traumatic. These are the car accidents, illnesses, and other things that come into our lives and through them we discover that something underneath needed to be shifted. They are the Universe’s tools for providing an opening to let go on a large scale.

See Also


There are others, scattered throughout the minor arcana: 8 of Cups, 6 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, Knight of Wands; which also touch on the theme of letting go from different perspectives. Each suit represents a different aspect of our lives, and each number represents a stage we have reached. As in life, these opportunities appear through the story of the tarot, woven in with other experiences telling of abundance, grief, joy or turmoil. As we let go and allow for the cards to fall where they may, we end up with those that we need the most, for our soul’s growth.

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