Letting Go – Day 20

30 Days of Letting Go Day 20
By Jenny Griffin
A Melting Pot of Letting Go: Kintsukuroi
Like recycling, but with a twist, this is considered an art form in Japan. If a piece of pottery is smashed, it is repaired with gold or silver lacquer and given new life. The key to the equation is that it is considered even more beautiful and valuable since its breakage, even because of its breakage.
If we could let go of our ideas that breakage and damage make us less beautiful, we could embrace the spirit of kinsukuroi and understand that the things that have scarred us make us more compassionate, more vulnerable, more human.
We could let go of the belief that our veins are filled with anything other than pure love, making us the most valuable commodity on the planet. Our difficulties show us the potential to see beauty beyond our immediate surroundings. They show us that the unknown, unforeseen future holds innumerable possibilities. Our damage will no longer hold power over us, letting us believe that it defines us; we can see it as part of an integrated and beautiful whole.
Let go of the idea that whole is perfect and let your cracks show.
Jenny Griffin
Also known as ‘The Catharsis Coach,’ Jenny loves exploring life’s twists and turns through the lens of transformation. Her own journey through catharsis, a deep, deep letting go of ingrained patterns and beliefs, resulted in a feeling of connectedness, with the world around her and with that wise and wonderful voice within. Jenny has learned to engage with her life and experiences in a way that allows her to use the knowledge gained through them to serve others. When she’s not writing, she’s coming up with new ways to help people move through change with grace and ease.

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